Child Health

Home-Start High Peak

Home Start High Peak is helping families to cope with whatever difficulties they might encounter, confidently and purposefully. Children raised in a stable, loving family relationship are more likely to enjoy a positive and healthy future.


Young Minds

We’re leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. We’re here to make sure they get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.


Childhood illness visual guide

Use this visual guide to help you identify common conditions and illnesses that may affect your child. Includes conditions such as measles, slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and warts.

Website: NHS: Visual Guide for Childhood illnesses

Vaccination planner

Download a personalised vaccination calendar, which highlights the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by.

Website: NHS: Vaccination Schedule

Children's Sleep Charity

We are a national, award-winning charity supporting children with sleep issues. We provide support for families and accredited training for professionals and commercial organisations.



CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) supports young people’s mental health and wellbeing in North Derbyshire.

Telephone: 01298 72445


Derbyshire Healthcare Support

The 0 – 19 service provides a programme of prevention and early intervention services for children, young people and their families in Derbyshire.

Telephone: 01773 525059

