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Shingles and pneumococcal vaccinations

If you are eligible for a shingles and/or pneumococcal vaccination you will have received a text message from the Practice.

More information about the vaccines is here: and

Please call Reception on 01663 735112 after 10am to book an appointment.

Or if you want to decline the vaccine(s) please let us know. Thank you

Summary Care Record

The Summary Care Record is an English NHS development. It consists of a basic medical record held on a central government database on every patient registered with a GP surgery in England. The basic data is automatically extracted from your GP’s electronic record system and uploaded to the central system. GPs are required by their contract with the NHS to allow this upload. The basic upload consists of the name, address, date of birth and NHS number of the patient, current medication, allergies and details of any previous bad reactions to medicines.

As well as this basic record additional information can be added, and this can be far reaching and detailed. However, whereas the basic data is uploaded automatically any additional data will only be uploaded if you specifically request it and with your consent.

Summary Care Records can only be viewed within the NHS on NHS smartcard controlled screens or by organisations, such as pharmacies, contracted to the NHS.

You have the right to object to our sharing your data in these circumstances and you can ask you GP to block uploads.

You can find out more about the Summary Care Records.

You can opt-out from the summary care record, you can do this online.

Page published: 11 January 2024
Last updated: 24 January 2024